Make a Difference for Farm Animals Today
The Certified Humane® logo assures consumers that the farm animals are raised where they can express their natural behaviors, move around freely, and eat nutritious food free of antibiotics, hormones, and animal by-products. The goal of the program is to improve the lives of farm animals by driving consumer demand for kinder farm animal practices.
Support Humane Farm Animal Care's Certified Humane Raised and Handled® Program. 100% of your tax-deductible gift will help us make substantial changes in the way farm animals are raised - for the better, and for good! Humane Farm Animal Care is a nonprofit corporation under section 501(c)3 of the Internal Revenue Code.
The Certified Humane® Program is Recognized by:
After you donate, Certified Humane® will acknowledge receipt of your gift by email and include a receipt.
Call us at (703) 435-3883 if you would like to donate by phone or have other inquiries.
Email us at info@certifiedhumane.org
Write to us at Humane Farm Animal Care
PO Box 82
Middleburg, VA 20118
Visit us at www.CertifiedHumane.org
© 2021 Humane Farm Animal Care. All rights reserved.